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Do you have a downloadable version of this game?

My browser refuse to play browser-based games in the browser.
...unless they're downloaded.
For some strange and bizzare reason.

I'm pretty sure my laptop is possessed by an evil fire fox. >_>
It's the only explanation.

But this game looks interesting, and I'd love to try it.

Hellooo are there any zihr romance moments yet?


There are the few already in there from what I remember small ones but some non the less


Checl deserves cuddles and kisses (but i am?? how would it work, how do the mc's lips and hers also the scene where she is jealous is so amazing, will there be more scenes like these? my lesbian heart is screaming, i love being a little fucked up shit who she tries to fix with the power of her pure heart and good intentions


You don't understand... I'm hooked. I could gnaw at my desk. I can't wait for the full release.

Question: What are the threat levels. Are there any meaning to them and is it based on anything or is there a reference somewhere

(1 edit) (+8)

I love how mean you and the other characters can be in this game lol. It really feels like theres a proper moral struggle, and I love the different dynamics it results in. Being able to play a morally gray character is really interesting!!

I'm going for a run where my character romanced Tsering and is still emo about him, but like, started using Zihr as a kind of rebound but ended up actually really falling for him- and I LOVE that that feels like it's actually happening and isn't just an internal headcanon. The relationship you build with Checl is also so so sweet I care about her sm. Very fleshed out consequences to choices! Great game, can't wait to see more


I'm not sure for pc but I found a glitch in the mobile version when looking at species I can't look at the raza 

(1 edit) (+2)

Officially joined the Tsering-Simp-Club now. #TSC

Thanks for that, I guess. (☞ ❛ヮ❛ )☞


welcome welcome! Glad you could make it 

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm completely blown away by the depth and the writing! I couldn't say no to bringing Checl with me (my MC is gonna need someone optimistic and kind for a whole lot of pain he's probably gonna put himself and others through LOL) also related but I love my sweet puppy (I named him Good Boy because that's what he is while being a terrifying beast 🥺)

And I'm very curious how the future encounter with Tsering will go (as of this point my MC just wants to shoot him in the leg and push him off a bridge - you don't get the amount of past vulnerability shown to you without a price LOL) I know we got some lovers of him currently tho so maybe that'll change~


As a sidenote I love the artwork for the species! Very pretty!!


Still doesn't say anywhere in the beginning that MC's from a Spanish speaking family... Why not add that little tidbit in the features? Saves people from having to redesign their MCs and restart the game once you hit the memory scene.


Because it's your character and you can do anything you want with them. What do I look like saying "oh, hey you can speak Spanish so you better go and make them Hispanic"


i would suggest putting the translation of the spanish text after it. not all of us speak it

(2 edits) (-3)

The fact that you assume someone knowing the MC is from a Spanish speaking family would imply you want the MC to be Hispanic shows you know that information would influence a player into making a Hispanic MC. Note that I didn't say that anywhere in my comment.

I Can't do anything I want with my MC because canon information like them being from a Spanish speaking family exists. I could keep the Korean name and headcanon that they're adopted, but I can't play as them being from a Korean family. And that's a good thing if I was informed of it.

People make MCs based on some unchangeable facts the story provides of them. Those are part of a basic premise. The premise is already set. Informing people of the premise doesn't "force" them to do anything they aren't already forced to.

(This is "I", btw. From your server, if you remember.)


What part of me telling you, "hey your family speaks Spanish", changes your character besides maybe the name? It doesn't change appearance, doesn't change personality, doesn't change anything but perhaps the name. But wait, there's something called cultural mixing. Swedish with Hispanic. AfroLatino. Caucasian and Hispanic. Asian and Hispanic. This isn't even hinting on the fact that a family could've just learned or grew up in a place where both English and Spanish are spoken together. Think Expanse Belter language mixing a hodgepodge of languages.

Literally at most, saying your family speaks spanish means that Moran is mixed. Which means, once again, they can have any name. So, no. You're assuming that I'm assuming people should make a Hispanic character. If that was true, I'd just say "Moran is Hispanic" and I'd actually make it a thing. It's not that deep, I promise you.

If that changes how you, as a reader, plays your character go for it. No one is stopping you from playing that path.

And yes, I remember you.


I've literally said it could be a mixed culture situation. And that I Could keep the name. You're the one who implied letting people know the family speaks Spanish beforehand sounds like you're saying " you better go and make them Hispanic". I did not say you're assuming people should make a Hispanic character. I said the fact that you assume that's what people would think reveals you know the information is something that would affect a person into making a Hispanic character.

You can't pretend this isn't information that affects an MC's identity. Something a lot of people would like to know about their MC before already forming an identity for them. If the family was introduced early on in the story, this would not be a problem.

As I said, it's a premise. All other premises is in the introduction of your story. You don't want to add that premise even as an offhand in the introduction part because you don't want to come off as saying  "oh, hey you can speak Spanish so you better go and make them Hispanic". What I've said is it does not do that.


i wishhh i could be able to subscribe to the patreon to be able to read more but my payment doesn't work, i need to see more of Tsering :(


when is chapter 5 in the other story 3


Love how Tsering wants a rocket launcher for us 🤣

Serves him right for dumping us off the ship


I literally fell in love with Tsering in the first three seconds of this game and then was denied contact the whole thing.... you can't tell me that wasn't an elaborate scheme to get me completely hooked! so... what I'm trying to say is; expect level 10 simping till the full game is released because I NEED HIM AAGGGHH!!!

PS: Checl is girl bestie material

PPS: my character being a dumbass all the time is something i live for XD


i always love 13Leagues games, so excited for this one


was there like an update note or something? Because it says it was updated 8 days ago now


the next release will be the full game once it's finished, so probably bug or code fixes only for now. and since is more of a "when author has freetime between x other projects" it might yet be a while. that was the last info I had on this. Still, the four chapter demo is still worth replaying sometimes.


AOJNAEXJCRK N4OIIOHFNC3982IHBJFKOWST CTER WITOCWENTIUK- this describes all my feelings about Sea Of Stars


Absolutely loved it. Especially because of all the options that let us tease the characters. Really yummy, exactly what I needed

(2 edits) (+3)

One of the best IFS I have EVER read

The anticipation is killing me



This was awesome! I'm holding out for Tesring though, that angst is what I play these games for! Though I couldn't not flirt with Zhir lol Thanks so much for this! Eagerly awaiting more :D 

(3 edits) (+3)

By the way.  Link to the blog is too close to the back button.  I noticed that on a lot of the 13 league IF's.  This is especially a problem if on a tablet etc as it's way to easy to misclick/tap.   (Unfortunately I don't have a working computer right now or I'd play it there.  But I figure you should know about the issue.  Otherwise can play it fine on an android tablet)

Anyways nice story.  Look forward to seeing more

will the game be on steam? played the demo and i am so excited for the full book!!


There's no definitive yes or no. I would have to justify the cost of adding it to Steam so it mostly would depend on interest.


oh thats fair!! i was asking because games and patreon are very expensive for me due to the dollar conversion in my country, so the steam country conversion helps alot

Just finished the demo. Good work! A lot of thought and world building clearly went into this.


Tsering haunts my dreams.

I love this. I love everything about it. I love your narrative voice, I love your characters, I love the setting. I love my sweet, smart, wonderful, amazing alien dog. I love that I can be a kind-hearted badass, and I can be nice to my friends without automatically romancing them, as is the case in quite a few other IFs and VNs I have come across. (I like being nice to people. Doesn't mean I want in their pants. Unless they're Tsering.)

I also really like imagining that Tsering goes about his business constantly trying not to think about me. And failing so hard. Every day. All the time. Everything reminds him of me. Goddd I want to make him SUFFER but I also want to give him SO many hugs.

I also really want to introduce him to my dog.

i agree and approve this message 100% and 200% for the Tsering comments in specific


I felt inclined to comment after finishing the public demo last night,

I got here after finishing the first 2 seasons of Superstition and playing Nour's route on the throne of ashes,

as always, I was not disappointed with your games,

I'm a big fan of a future techno world setting and you set out this world perfectly, all the backstory fragments carefully placed to build the character and their life all the while introducing new characters (with beautiful illustrations for each species!!)

I hope to see more in the future, amazing job as usual :] 


13leagues, I have loved all the fantastical games you've made. 

I love just how interactive your stories are, with the ways the worlds shift around the player's wide selection of choices instead of making them another bystander. Not to mention the various characters and their relationships with everyone, including the player, that successfully manage to be unique, separate, and likable in their own ways.

I always find myself engrossed by your soft magic (and tech now, nice!) systems that don't exclude the player from their possibilities while fitting right in with the narratives. 

I have yet to find any writer (excluding RynGM), or, frankly, any game developer, that can keep me as excited or enthralled as you have. 

As I have no idea where to find consistent updates for your games on a platform known for its numerous abandoned projects, and given their seemingly erratic development, I am concerned for their future. I don't know if this concern is unnecessary and that there are indeed steady updates one can read, and if so, I would love to be pointed in their direction. If not, would it be too much to ask for a monthly sit-rep? 

I can wait years for all of these awesome tales, but I just need to know that they're coming. 

- A reader.


Hello! Thank you for the kind word, reading things like this push me to continue on even more, truly. You are right, I do not post updates on as much because of the format but both Patreon and Tumblr (both links in the story description) have me giving updates. Tumblr, having a Story Updates pin post that tells you what is canceled and what is not. Sea of Stars, Throne of Ashes, and Superstition are the main focuses as of this moment but I do have a sporadic kind of updating process, but I can assure you nothing is dead and I am still hard at work.


Thank you, that's great to hear! I will be excitedly watching the updates!


As a person that truly enjoyed the superstition series so far and throne of ashes, I'm excited to try this demo out! But knowing 13leagues it's going to be great! I Wish you luck on further development!


here i am. clawing my way out of real life/hell. scrabbling across the ground like a roach to log into so i can devour this content like a starving beast.

i will DIE for zihr please and thank you.


This is so graphically explained, that I can actually visualize a roach scrabbling out of pure desperation.....I love it 


I was pleasantly surprised to see this come across my feed and man was I not disappointed. I'm excited to see where the series goes :)


Your works are always out of this world and every time you write something I am so happy and excited to read it. Thank you very much, you made my evening after a long and gloomy day ❤

(2 edits) (+9)

I absolutely love this game. So far I have only played a character with evil tendencies but I was impressed how cohesive it all felt in the grand scheme of things. I was not punished for my decision, but rather given different opportunities to exploit. By the end of the demo, I felt both immersed and a force to be reckoned with.

My character was not above ending lives or using others to further her own goals if the benefits outweighed the cons. She's not destructive for the sake of it, but values her own survival above most - a useful, if somewhat callous, trait she inherited from her tumultuous past. Currently, her hound is the only friend she would fight to the bitter end to protect. Time will tell if the same courtesy will extend to her new allies...

Beneath the mask she dons, rages turmoil between what has been done and what needs to be done in order to achieve her goals. She dreams of normalcy and innocence - that which was robbed from her - and is envious of those who have it. She's rational, confident and flirty, with a dash of mirth. She's dangerous, but more than mere cockiness, she has the skill to back it up.


I only have one small thing to point out. Seben's portrait describes her as someone with "no sense of humor" and "playful" at the same time. Doesn't that seem a bit contradicting?


Your story never disappoint. I put off reading this (saw it on patreon for ages) because Alien and Sci-fi aren't really my thing. But damn, you really changed my mind! Thank you for being born and blessed us with these amazing works. 🪄✨️


When Neo called my character ugly I literally burst out laughing, haha. There's so much great content here! And personally I cannot wait to follow this series further into development. Congratulations on the latest addition to your collection of golden creativity!






"BEAT UP" (with rizz) LMAO BUT SAME

(1 edit) (+9)(-1)

Beat him (both meanings/j)


Why don’t you make an iphone link like you did for superstition,please 


omg yasss it’s finally here AHHHHHHH I LOVE IT SM


Really liked what I managed to read for now !

Would it be possible to change the background of the light mode by a plain one, or add a third mode ? The background is making it really hard to read for me, especially when scrolling. With light mode off, it’s even harder to read because of the font effects and neon white background.

Hope it make sense lol


It has been fixed, all white background now.

(1 edit) (+3)

Sorry to bother you again! I have astigmatism and it's still hard to read after the fix T.T

I don't know if it's a device issue but the text is in a very faint grey color on white background so it's hard to read. Could I suggest a mode with black background and white font just like here ?

Edit: Thank you for changing it, it's perfect now :)



also i can definitely take Tsering in both ways




Hahaha 😂. Our thirsts shall be clench 😩😍.




so real

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