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hello! i just bought the game on mobile and all the images don't show up, any help please? or is this how its supposed to look like?

(1 edit) (+5)

Hi!! I love this game so I want you to also be able to enjoy it as well. For anyone playing on Android, there is an easy way to see all the images. 

1. Download JoiPlay ( )

2. Download either the Full Route or just for Ruben. 

3. Go into your files and extract into Downloads. 

4. Open Joiplay, press the + button in the top bar, press 'Add Game', and go into where you extracted the Route. Click all the way into the file until you see index.html. 

5. Follow the instructions on the screen and then you should be able to click the icon to play!

Don't forget to save and enjoy!!! Let me know if there's any confusion. 🫶


omg thank you so, so much! I've been waiting for days for a reply and was starting to give up hope 🥹 it works perfectly! cant thank you enough i love you have such a great day!!


hello, i have the same problem but I'm on windows. Do you know how I can make the file into a game icon? I can't see images or hear audio 

Hey, hopefully, I can help! 😊 I'm not exactly sure where the problem may be, because I don't exactly know the steps you're taking. I'll list the regular way to do it and, if it still doesn't work, let me know. 

1. Go through the download and then open the file where the Route is (don't open the file itself but the location!!)

2. The file should be zipped, so you need to right click and extract it to a safe place. A good place might be your desktop! The main problem might be coming from the fact you didn't extract it, but if you did, let me know!

3. Open it and it should be a file named index.html. This should open it in chrome (or your intended browser) and it should work.


Question, it seems you need to be very mean to Nouritis to get the approval bar up.  It makes me very uncomfortable to speak so cruelly to people. Am I misunderstanding the function of the approval system or something? I would like to hope that I could play as someone honest and direct but not mean in the way they seem to like to be treated.


Abuse seems to get Nouritis approval up and that makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Please let me be wrong somehow.

(1 edit) (+5)

Their is no unapproval if I remember right. He has different ways of liking you. He will never not like you. One version he is more reserved in his feelings and the other more protective. Neither is actually bad. I am unsure the way he is when you are mean. I honestly can't be mean myself so never tried it >w<

Same, I just cannot be mean. And thank you sooooo much that really helps! <3 Now that I know I feel a lot better about playing.


TLDR: RO's don't have an "approval" rating, Having a high or low score doesn't determine good or bad, only what type of relationship you have.

There isn't really an "approval" rating as such, instead the relationships and feelings towards the RO are based around what side the stats lean towards.

Having a higher or lower number isn't positive or negative it's just the way in which your relationship is decided, so with Nour, having a lower number I.E being kind, truthful etc results in him being 'protective'

Parts of the story and relationship can be changed significantly based on what number you're closer to so make sure to aim for the number you want rather than trying to get them as high as possible :)

Thank you! <3


Thank you for fixing the bugs! <3


i really enjoyed the demo, have only tried R and N routes so far but it was super fun! all my best wishes to the writer!

also, it took me N's route to realise you are not supposed to aim for a 100 in relationships, it isn't the ultimate best goal (at least i think bc in N's route a 100 is reserved and a 0 is protective, none of which is negative imho??). like, i kept rewinding choices because my relationship with Ruben kept getting down, even though the choices that were getting it up seemed more antagonistic (not in a bad way tho) and said 'Ruben thought MC lacked common sense'. it's cool that you can explore different dynamics with the characters! 

had only 1 problem (of my own miscommunication) - i thought that TWs for each route apply to the love interest (like the love interest will be the abuser) and was really cautious in the beginning (i'm happy i decided to give it a try after all, the game is wonderful!). i'm pretty sure i'm the only person this stupid but it might be helpful to specify that love interest will not be the abuser, unless it is there already and i missed it? 

despite all of that, i have really enjoyed the game overall and i'm looking forward to buying it once all routes come out!

just me or is chpt 2 not working?? like i cant progress


Same... Mikaio's route Chapter Chance? Nothing after the villain monologue.

no, rubens. after chapter 1, it just says 'error' or 'chapter 2 not found'.


Ruben is perfection with any MC, I've played multiple ways and fall in love with him again each time. I am a huge sucker for enemies to lovers  and though he may not be a true example of the trope, I don't care he has stolen my heart <3 And it will remain his


I am looking for people for a co-op bundle


why does Toz suddenly hate me and Ruben in the epilogue??

I'm not sure I remember correctly (it's been a while since I played it) so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that happens if you don't agree with Toz when he tells Ruben to escape with you during that one attack (right after Laurent catches you and the phoenix kid, and demands that you shift in front of the kid). 


During the story you have a few options to comment on the war that House Dragon is in, if you lean towards the peaceful options then Ruben will eventually lean that way too but it causes issues with Toz (And I can imagine quite a few others aswell) 


aw, okay. i wish there was a little more focus on it. Toz was my bestie


on Ruben's route the game will not let me into act (chapter?) two saying it does not exist.


Do you mean that ? I have it in ozaras route

No it was just a red bar saying that act two can't be found but I may be different because I am on mobile

No it was just a red bar saying that act two can't be found but I may be different because I am on mobile

i'm on mobile too


Yeah, that happened to me too :(


I even tried my ipad and laptop


Is Ruben currently the only full route?


Yes, currently Ruben's route is the only one complete.

Has the game been abandoned?

Thankfully it has not been abandoned! You can see here that the writer(s)* are currently working on Nour's route! [* I put an asterisk because I don't know how many people or who specifically is working on the writing :P | the link takes you to 13Leagues' tumblr btw ]


I've replayed countless times and LVOE this book! Please tell me it's still in development?


It is!


I just played ruben's route for hours and the ending made me tear up. Amazing writing I loved it!

I want to just get the Ozara route but the only one i see available is ruben's. Is it not out yet or am I missing something?


ruben’s is the only full route available i believe!

(2 edits)

man I would love to see this in manga form, how many routes are out and when is the next update out?

So can we actually play this on chrome or did i just waste my money?


Not sure what could be confusing, if you've bought the Ruben Route then you should be able to download it

Well I got a file downloaded on my chrome but when i open it, it doesn't do anything??


Once the download is complete it should be a zip file in your download section on our PC/Laptop called 'ToA Ruben' click that and then click 'extract all', it should then just be a normal file on your PC with a chrome link.

Easier way is If you right click the file in your Chrome download tab and then click 'Show in folder' it will take you to folder you need to open, Downloads go to your PC/Laptop, not your Chrome browser


omg? i got it to work? I didn't realize the index file was it.. Thanks for the help :))

(2 edits) (+2)

Hallo, is there any other way to buy this game without paypal or through itch io purchase option? For some reason my card can't do international purchase through paypal and only able to do by Steam :( btw, will this be in Steam?

Edit: i heard you still considering to put the game on Steam. I will wait even if it's took a long time :'))


lovely game! the dialogue is beautiful and thoroughly thought out, saving for paid version ❥


is there an ost for this game with all the songs?


Trying to save in the paid version gives me an error message.


Is Rubens route still the only one finished? 




I love your demo, can't wait for all the completed stories, but I'm just wondering if you will put the game on other platforms like Steam?? Thank you:)


At this moment no. Perhaps when it's done I will think more on it but I have no plans on it at the moment. Also thank you for the support, hope you enjoy all the stories you're interested in!


I have the same issue. Would eager to wait this game finally on Steam


Hello, I am trying to buy your game, I have already tried both to buy it complete ($10) or separately ($2), with and without an account, and in none of the options I get a confirmation email, or the payment is not processed; is this my fault or is the game currently not open for purchase? 

I look forward to your reply.

Thank you in advance.


The game is currently available. If the payment isn't going through then I think that's more something you'll have to get in touch with itch support. I've heard sometimes PayPal transactions fail to go through here and there.


Very well, I will do that! Thanks for the reply

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

The healing journey in Ruben’s story is chef’s kiss. I think this is the first time I teared up playing an IF. It just hit so close to home. I’m looking forward to Nour’s route even more now too~

Dear comment reader, If you’re deciding on getting the route or not, DO IT. Get Ruben’s route! Thank me later ;)


Nouritis route.....

(1 edit) (+3)

I am confused in Nour demo why when you nice to them their bar goes down lol it's confusing Q.Q are going have to be jerk to them because that's the only time it goes up 


I noticed this too, so I checked the FAQ on Tumblr and turns out that in this game the bar doesn't indicate the affection of the NPC towards the player: it only represents their demeanor/attitude towards the player.


Ah ok ty XD


So, there's definitely been an update to Ruben's story since I last played this. Now the first encounter with him is different, but (without spoiling anything) there are references and seemingly vital information missing that used to be in the first-encounter-chapter. I just noticed because some choices have more weight to them because of what you'd learn in the dungeons. 

every time i try to save in the ruben route, it shows an error...

¿Only Ruben is completed?


Hi finally i had time to play the demo but in ozaras route when you are in the tower and have the choice to "approach the door" or "stay in the room" i get with either choice that screen. I play with a android smartphonein the web. what can i do ?


I just finished reading Ruben's story, fantastic, so mesmerizing.

 I'm wondering if the choices and stats in the game lead to different ending descriptions or do they only affect parts of the story? This determines whether I will reread the story from the beginning or just a few scenes.


As far as I remember, depending on whether your choices lead you to fiery or mindful route with Ruben, the flavor of interactions will change, and there are also scenes that you can get if you follow a certain route. 

But the ending and how the story progresses is essentially the same. I ended up doing mindful route first, but playing fiery route was definitely worth it too. 


Not only did I ball my damn eyes out reading Ruben's story, but by the time I looked out my window, the sun was in the sky staring at me with pure absolute judgment because I stayed up till 7am reading this :D. This is incredibly beautifully written and the characters are absolutely chef's kiss! You should give yourself a huge pat on the back for this and I am excited to see the rest of the LI storylines! Ofc take care of yourself and stay hydrated :) personal health comes first!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

AMAZING one of the best interactive fictions I have read, I loved Rubens storyline and the story and character development was amazing nothing felt forced the way the emotions transcended through as the story progressed was so natural my only wish would have been to have a season 2 to Rubens story line where we got to see the MC actually rule and help make decisions as a leader of two houses and see the MC meeting the Elders instead of an epilogue but I did like seeing the happy ending 

(Android) Bought the game and the download won't go through. Everytime it says irs done and I click on the file to play literally nothing happens im just staring at the screen. Two dollars isn't a lot but STILL. Can anybody help me?

(1 edit) (+2)

Itd be nice if there was a way to play this since i bought a route. Maybe on my kindle maybe an online platform?

did you download the itch app on your pc/laptop?


Wow I just finished Ruben's story.... It was amazing! I truly truly cannot wait for Nour's story to be released! I cried so many times but I honestly appreciated how healing was depicted in a story like this. Amazing writing and amazing interactive

How can I pay just for the two female LI routes? It seems only Ruben has the route specific.


only rubens route is done (this game is a WIP) so only his route specific is available. the game will be updated later


Ruben's route was so fleshed out and well written, I'm so excited for future updates

(1 edit)

I got the full version. I am so excited to see the rest of the game 

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