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For some reason I can't download the game on android, the file doesn't let me open it 💔💔 i

The author is remaking both seasons(1, 2), and hopefully release the new updated version this yr, she advised on waiting to play the game till after she's done, so there is no bugs or plot holes , so most likely the reason ur struggling is due to it being the old glitchy version


(1 edit)

I know this may sound strange, but I want to know Bradley is it RO? I mean, when they grow up.

And will there be narcissistic plotlines in the future (like Roe and the imaginary version of oneself - I'm not sure if that's the right way to phrase it)? I can't help but be curious about this

Hello i've just play his game and progressing in cchapter 4. I'm curious when is i finally able to have a ramce relationship w Chris? Because I think I've reached so many chapters but I don't feel any progress in the romance with Chris.

I would suggest turning on the romance tags in settings, then interacting with Chris when offered. The tags will tell you which options raise romance. The lock in doesn’t happen till Season 3, though, so you have plenty of time.

Yea but i play in android link so i think there's no setting where i can turn on the romance tags :(

Can't cuddle with Morgan if you got rid of Chris 

Well imma cry now. Bradley didn't deserve this shit

No, no he didn't


I'm kinda confused about two parts of the game. When Sydero and MC were going out for drinks and she asks if the MC has ever had any supernatural experiences, the first option says "Besides the Entity? No." then they continue talking.

Then the other time is when Bradley gets attacked by the witch and I save him using the Entity. He says "Guess you weren't lying about the Entity" or something like that. 

I just don't get it since I've always lied and kept the part about having something in my head to myself.


"I made a mistake" -Me today after binging this entire series in 2 days while sick, not reading a damned thing about developments and realizing I'll have to wait for a LONG time before being able to continue Season 3. Thanks for the great read and I'll look forward to starting Roe all over again and rereading the fully rewritten Season 1. 

I've just done the same thing! Off work for a sick day and decided to start this story, not reading beforehand about the rewrite/update plans. It's so good though! Worth the pain of finding out we're going to have to wait for an update. 

So I am unsure whether to let Chris join us or make him go, may I ask those who had him in the group what is the content revolving around him? maybe interactions between him and Sydero?

and saving him was super easy I just begged Sydero to help then went bought time then she rescued the both of us. Tip: if a hand holds you don't fight it 


I somehow managed to keep Chris alive so hurray to me


so i have done literally everything that people further in the comments have said to do when chris is captured and no matter what i do he ends up dead. the threatening to kill yourself option those people mention does not show up for me. i have tried basically every option in this section and nothing seems to matter. i have no idea what to do :') help??


OMG there’s was a way for him to die??? I didn’t even realize this was a possibility?? Idk what causes him to die but what I did was never answer his calls until I get the SOS message then I went in with no plan, tried to bust the door down (and failed), and didn’t fight the person who grabbed me. That’s all I remember right now but maybe it’ll be helpful. I also don’t think I got the option to threaten to kill myself.

yeah there is :( and i FINALLY got it thank you :'D all the other people had said to at least answer his very first call, and gave other directions as to the options you choose once you get there. clearly that was Not what you were supposed to do. i have no idea what those other people were talking about with that option because it never showed up no matter what i did

Could you explain what it was that you did? Because I've tried all the options I've seen people give and he still ends up dying.

Deleted 75 days ago




  1. denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth; not transgender.

(Hope this helps, you illiterate sack. Also, too bad. If you can’t handle an adjective that literally describes what you’re looking for, get off your computer and touch some grass. I honestly don’t understand how people can be this idiotic. Hope you have a good day.)


Gender only two male and female, not ciskontol. You must be kamala harris goons.

(1 edit) (+32)(-3)

Have you ever even stepped foot in a place of education? If not, like I assume, let me enlighten you.  If you wanted that sentence to be correct, you would have said: ‘There are only two genders: male and female, not cisgender. You must be a Kamala Harris supporter.’ There, grammar fixed. Also, male and female are not genders, they are sexes. Gender is different from sex. There are three sexes, male, female, and intersex. There are, however, many genders. Also, who are you to decide who one is or isn’t? I could argue with you for a long time, but you obviously are either too stubborn, stupid, or a potent concoction of both. Do me a favour, and keep your dumb arse out of other people’s identities, and stop trying to control others when you can’t even control that empty cavern that you call a brain. Good day.


calm down buddy

How to play on Android



SOB SOSSS does anyone knows how to save Chris? Ive played this game for like 2 hours now and cant seem to save chris when he was being kidnapped!!


HI YES I HAD THIS SAME PROBLEM its been a while since I played but this is my best guess?? Basically when you get the phone call from him, answer it then tell him what's going on. After that he'll say he doesn't believe you and then there should be an option to give up on convincing him and hang up. After that he'll try to call again but don't pick up, only answer when you get the "SOS" text. I'm not sure if you have to do anything else but let me know if it works!!


okay gang I figured it out you do all of that and then what I did that ended up saving Chris is threaten to kill myself and then to not fight who ever grabbed me you will then end up in the car with him



The guide links arent working 😟


 I recommend you to read the development log


I will wait until the rewrite is complete, however, just to be sure, when using the iPhone link will I be able to transfer the Save to the second season without any problems? Or will I still have this problem and will I have to, I don't know, use Joiplay to play? I hope the process to pass the Save to the second season does not require a computer, I don't have one, so it would be very problematic ;-;


Loving this so far! Not even finished with the game, but I'm 6+ hours in! 


Is there a skill guide for the season? I want to know how much influence and useful some skills are for certain runs.


I believe they were taken down until the rewrites were finished but I'm not entirely sure.

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh ok, thanks for answering  :)


Hi hi!! The game is having errors with saving and such, I'm not sure how to submit a report for it or anything. It's really frustrating though :( I'm loving the story so far and don't want to lose progress

How i can download the app on my phone because its just a file not an app?


Use joiplay and download all its plugins, download this game extract the file then use joiplay to open and play it.


Can I tell Chris to join us without romancing him? I'm more interested in Sydero but I feel bad sending him on the bus since it says he'll disappear permanently




Thank you!! I hadn't continued yet because I was too indecisive 


help! I'm uninterested in Chris but I'm lowkey impatiently trynna find anybody else to romance, I'm still kind of early in the game: episode five, I'm just wandering when my options reveal themselves TvT

(1 edit) (+3)

Sydero is the only option that is in your party that can be romanced until you get to Season 2. Sorry if that's disappointing.


that's okay! thank you for your help I would have been so confused the whole time <3

How do I save chris? I was able to save him my first round but I am doing a redo playthrough and I can't remember how to stop him from getting killed


When he calls you answer it but hang up on him and after a few minutes when his caller id comes up don't answer it and pick the one that says "I'm surprised Chris gave you his password" and after you go deal with his kidnapping and when you get there pick the first option and pick the knock one and pick the one Dodge and attempt to attack him and a few minutes later press the one that says tell them that your going to kill or stab yourself and after that pick the first one


Alrighty tyy!

(1 edit) (+2)

how do you get chris to come with u?

edit: nvm i got the pookie

hi why is the iPhone version and the game on here like different??? the writing's a little sophisticated and the designs and stat display are much well organized and etc. (on the iPhone version). What is going on???? 


It's being updated to the 4.0 edition, mostly for testers and any curious to see the changes as they happen. The entire original is still in the download.


it probably doesnt matter but help whats the word!!

(this is from when they planned to steal the bowl from the museum but mc got caught by petri and was thrown in jail for 2 days)



(2 edits) (+1)

Tried this a long time ago but came back to complete the entire season! This is such a ride and I'm glad that I have two more seasons to go ^_^


Don't forget you also have a rework after 13Leagues is finished with it.

I guess so. I thought that it was already done and I played through it... Thanks for reminding me!


I headcanon one of my dead parents being dean winchester


I could see this also.

Deleted 126 days ago



That's just one of those people who are dumb to the point in which they seem to not know that the term cis is an old term describing exactly what they are because he didn't look it up.

(+4),girl!%20or%20It%27s%20a%20boy! it has been a term for you are what you were born as since before you were born. 


How do I play on android

(1 edit)

I'd assume through the app but I remember seeing an issue where you might have trouble with porting the save data from this to Season 2 to keep things consistent with your choices. There is a link to solve the issue I stated but it's currently gone and I don't think it will be back until the rewrite for this is finished.

joiplay index.html


Why doesn't the save work for season 1?

It is that prompt() is not and will not be supported.


Did you play on the app? Says itll make saving not work.


Damn, looking at my past comments, it looks like the link to solving this issue is gone. I remember it being a one or two line fix in the code. The issue is that electron (which Twine is built on top of) doesn't support prompt() and it has to do with saving to a file.


I know this game's on hiatus and that the story will be having an update, but I wanted to say that I've been replaying Seasons 1-3 for several weeks now. It's fun and I'm so intrigued by the story and Roe's journey. I'm excited to see what new stuff you'll be writing for this once the hiatus is over!


I know you're gonna be updating the game, and I'll be sure to check it out once you do, but I really enjoyed the current version as well. Spent all weekend playing and now I'm onto the next season :)


I can't believe its been so many years since superstition came out, and its still my favorite interactive fiction yet! Its so unique and fantastic, I can't wait to play it again with the update! <3 


Ahhhh! Hiya 13!! :) 

I'm super glad Superstition is getting an update. Not that it needed an update to me, but I know you want it to align to what you're doing right now in S3. I'm very excited to see what you do and I can't wait to read it again!! Have fun with it; don't stress yourself over it either! 

How do you do the Chris route, I didn't know you could bring him with you, I've tried to replay it to see if anything changes with the options, but I'm never given the option to ask him to go with us after I save him. It cuts from me making sure Sydero is ok, then the Chris  flashback, then I meet Faye and so on, I don't get the put Chris on the bus option.  So I never get to see any of the Chris scenes in the story. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I cant export the data?

(1 edit) (+1)

Due to a technology issue that I can almost guarantee I am one of only 2 people in the world that have this problem, could you please add the ability to export the save data to your clipboard instead of just to disk? So I can save my progress without having to find an obscure way to download my browser cache or something…

Done replayed this twice and that's saying something. I don't reread books or replay games unless I can put over 100hrs into. Absolutely love this story! It's my top favorite on here.

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