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(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

zillah is so hot lmao


He is lol


This series is awesome. Great story, characters and superbly written. Just wanted to say to the author: you ROCK! Thanks so much for sharing this <3 Now I’m gonna go and replay season 1 because I’m already missing Sydero lol Can’t wait for the next season! 

absolutely in love with this series, played through season 1 and 2 today, might play it again tomorrow <3


can't seem to import my data I’m on a iPhone 

Deleted 2 years ago

That is a really interesting theory. I also thought Roe might be half human, half reaper. I'm not sure about the whole Azrael possessing Roe's father tho, but I'd actually really like to know how you know all this. 😅

Deleted 2 years ago

I've been thinking about watching Supernatural. I always thought it'd be all drama like other supernatural shows so I  never watched. I've watched Charmed but didn't know it was also an inspiration for this. I'll have to replay this again soon! 

Thanks for responding and taking the time to explain! I'm so sorry for the late reply. 

Deleted 2 years ago

The original Charmed tv show or the remake?


Death and Azrael are different entities tho.

They are. Now I'm thinking Roe's father is Azrael. 


Zillah didn’t kill Roe’s parents it was a different shade that Roe eould refer to as “Guardian” 


(1 edit) (+2)

I've played both Superstition seasons 1 & 2, and I have been inspired to create my own twine story. Problem is, I don't know how to program a twine project. I am mildly to moderately proficient in CSS and JavaScript, but I'm not sure how to apply it to twine. Does anyone know where I could learn how to program a Twine project?

Also, what format was Superstition made in?


Superstition is using the SugarCube format!

After choosing your story format, you should go and look for the documentary of it. This is SugarCube's:

You will find information about the various macros / commands you can use. These vary between the various story formats.

Depending on your level of familiarity with coding, the language used can be a bit overwhelming at first or make complete sense from the get go. It is always useful to try the macros out yourself to see how they work.

If you choose SugarCube, you should also go and check out the amazing custom macros some dedicated people created, especially those by Chapel.

In terms of how to learn how to code a Twine project:

If you have a specific question, you can try to search it online to find a discussion on the old Twinery forum. There's also the subreddit r/twinegames where you can go to ask questions.

And of course the most valuable help at the start: Read the code of a few already completed stories. See how these authors set things up, what you would do differently and what you wouldn't have thought of. As the Twine project files are all saved as HTML files, you can open them in different programs like Notepad++ or Sublime once you've downloaded them.

I hope this helps a bit!
(2 edits) (+2)

(This comment may contain spoilers. Reader discretion advised.)

I have a few important questions:

Is Death Roe's father??? Is Roe a reaper hybrid?! (By the way, having the title "Son of Death" would be awesome.)

Will Sydero still be a romanceable character in Season 3? 

Will Bradley recover now that Syd is back? 

Less important questions:

Why do do the angels all have sticks up their butts as they sit atop their high horses?

Where is God?

One more question: Who is Roe's real mother?


Sooooo I can only answer some of these due to obvious spoilers of the future seasons.

1. Yes and yes.

2. She's a romanceable character period. Her absence in S2 is the only reason there's hardly any content but there are checks.

3. He was beginning to recover without Sydero. What happens with her back, can't say.

I won't answer the less important ones as of course those are spoiler lol. But all will be answered or at least explored lol. 

wait so... roe is confirmed the child of death? 👁👁

that’s cool

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh my god, this game is so good. I love the interactive story where your choices can actually affect the outcome and I love the supernatural and romanc elements. I saw this game and played it without playing S1 first, and I was HOOKED! I had to go and play season 1, and now I have to play S2 again! :)


I just found this today and couldn't stop playing it! I absolutely love it! But I can't seem to import my previous game.

What are you doing to try and import it? You can answer here or send me an an email so I can try and figure out what's going on.

Sorry, nevermind. I figured it out and have been playing all day. 😅 I love the story, and all the characters. I can't wait for season  3! 🖤🖤🖤

Deleted 2 years ago

Supernatural and Charmed were big inspirations and being a massive fan I included a few nods to the TV show :). Episode Three is named after the Charmed tv show as a nod as well.

Deleted 2 years ago

Does anyone know when Season 3 is to start? Season 2 started coming out Feb last year, and the first in April the year before. Any chance this season will start coming out in the next few months?

Bought it. Thanks again for making this.

(1 edit) (+2)

Loved this game so much, i cant even describe it. I cant wait till the next season comes out. I do have a question though. I paid for the Ye Olde Folly Faire and i was able to download it but when I go to actually run it, the game just appears as a white screen. Any advice would be appreciated cause im kind of a dumbass lol. 


Nevermind i literally figured it out a minute later. Lmao


Is there Season 3 & 4. ?? I really like this game.


Not yet. Think S3 will start around August/September


Really?  Yay. <3

can you tell me where you saw that? thank

(1 edit) (+1)

The author said not to expect anything till 2021 sooooooo hopefully we get that season 3 

Oh, i hope we get season 3, i love this story so much. 


I really like this type of games, and this is one of the best ones I know of. It had me in deep and I was so hooked to it. Can't wait for the next season!


Absolutely hooked. I didn't think I'd end up liking this as much as I did-the characters are very well written and you can clearly get a feel for their personalities. The story isn't predictable but is also very easy to follow and get invested in. I'm anxiously awaiting more adventures! 


I found your stories fairly recently and lemme tell you I'm HOOKED! Your writing and world building are top notch, and i'm so excited (and slightly scared) to see what's coming next on book 3! And may i just say that Amari owns my heart and soul that's all.

Thank you for this <3


I came across this randomly and I have to say, I absolutely loved it. Looking forward to the third season!


Okay you GOTTA chill out on writing good stuff, I have an appointment in need to get ready for and I am having a hard time breaking away from it. This isn't fair. I'm gonna be late. Q.Q 

You're awesome, thank you for your hard work on this. I love it.


I love this and cant wait for season 3 to come. I cant even  sleep properly last night because the story keep appearing in my mind. Im addicted.


This is incredible. I love everything about this. I enjoy how well the characters seem to interact with each other. 


Wait there's gonna be 5 seasons o_O
Heck this story was so good, got really immersed into it

Show post...

Hey... ive been following superstition since season 1 was at ep.7 or 8... and ive loved every moment... im curious about when season 3 will be out tho? I cant seem to find it anywhere on here



So... After some three days binge playing this, I just finished and I'm just like AAAAAAAAH

First things first, I found Superstition here on accident, a recommendation because of Scout An Apocalypse Story, and oh how happy am I to found it. Specially because I have this impression that I found the demo of the first season some years ago on Choice of Games (I don't know when exactly, but... I have this impression) and I remember really liking but my bad memory just made it slip my mind.

But now... Oh man. If I didn't had so many of college pilling up now, I would play another character and try to follow a slightly different path (aka a different romance lol), because this is SO GOOD. Mainly, I would do Zillah's path, because while he was damn insufferable while inside MC's head, he kind of gets slightly better when outside and it really made me curious. Yet, well... Rahim has my heart. Main romance, no doubt. AND I WANT MORE HUGS!!!! (also, I loved how you worked with Bradley and what he went through. Very... Real)

Also, the end of the second season... I was just like I WAS RIGHT, YEAH!

I don't know if there is some way to hide spoilers here, so, anyone that didn't finished season 2 yet, STOP READING!

All right, I can't pinpoint when exactly, but I was having suspicions that MC was something death related for some long time. Mainly because hybrids of angels and demons were really mentioned, and reapers, while pointed as Big League, not so much, so, they don't know what MC is plus no one talks about reaper hybrid, despite being Big, something there...

And then the clue relating to Azrael's wings and the second dream with the crows. The tree was dropping the same kind of thing that his wings. And also, when Sydero talks who she is to be vessel to Luci and how all of us are to be vessels and just... "Well, demon girl, angel guy, just missing the third big league, reapers" (also, I think it makes sense that a body made to receive something death-related would have problems with keeping itself whole. Life and death warring against each other)

I loved how you worked all of it into the narrative, I loved fitting the pieces so so much!!!! I really loved what I read so far and I can barely wait for season 3!

Amazing work and one of my best readings ever! <3

(1 edit) (+5)

I found this game out of a fit of boredom. I won't lie, the 18+ rating was what drew me in. I went in fully expecting a smut focus and some decent writing. A quick and done deal.  Oh how wrong I was.

Next thing I know, it's been two days, I have my university assignments piling up, and I am absolutely blown away at how the story hooked me. I did not expect to be so invested in the world, characters, writing, and other elements. This is perhaps the only text-based game where I stayed and looked forward to the plot rather than the smut. Gems like these are honestly what remind me of why I still have reading as my hobby.

Thank you for what you've created. You've honestly given me such a unique and fantastic experience, and I can't wait for the future seasons. My assignments, not so much.


I just finished Season 2 and i am already counting the days for season 3.  Cant wait to find out what happens next!



The images are still not showing in the offline version. I don't know why. 

(1 edit)

Can you email me this and tell me what you're playing on as well.


This is one of the best free games on for this genre, it's well written and hard to stop reading once you get pulled into the plot and it's many twisty turns and interesting characters which is the mark of a good story in my opinion. <3

I had an absolute blast playing season one and two,  I am definitely looking forward to season 3!  


I love this game soooo much!! I can't wait for season 3!



Save export at the end is broken save before it.

Deleted post


I was wondering wether it was an inevitability that zilch would be exorcised from us  ? also I was wondering wether having the skin tone of a player would be a good implementation to the game , as much like sydero's skin tone was described and her brothers , perhaps having the protagonist skin tone would be something that would enhance the readers experience ?

I can't seem to import my data , im on a MacBook 

haha I fixed it

Quick PSA: Firefox decided to delete my save for some reason, i recommend you save to file.


ep 8 is so cool and gave me a scar (:

well going save Sydero an die trying 

Makes me wonder, is this the last season or if it isn't how the fuck will the issue be fixed.


i dont know if you will take this as a spoiler but if you look above the contacts you see that there will be 3 more seasons after this

(1 edit) (+1)

Oi, don't you dare insult my blindness!

uh how do i  transfer save in of ep 5 into ep 6 (soory i know its stupid question but please help me)

You shouldn't have to transfer anything. When the files are updated, episode six should appear. I'm guessing you saved on the Navigation page or somewhere that wasn't the "Next Time on Superstition" page and if that's true then either go to your saves and play your most recent save to get back to the end of Ep5. If it's something else then you should email me the specifics.


I got recommended this game a few weeks ago in a forum discussion and having binged s1 and what there is of s2 so far, I absolutely adore it!!! 

NB Roe and Chris have such a complicated romance and I really love how natural all the angst between the two of them feels, because it'd all be so complicated even without the supernatural aspects. Can't wait to see more of them and the rest of the group when you update!

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