possible but hard since fears match you with the curse, easiest way to not get one is to get the incompetence fear and make sure to go find sydero first in hell so you don't get pride's curse.
only zillah has a explicit scene and its in the last episode
idk what they said but they can fuck off!! please prioritize ur wellness, some of us really care about you, and want you to get better, take care i love u<3
How do i export my save in Android? I played season 1 in joyplay, but the save doesn't go to season 2, it appears to be corrupted. Will i need to play the whole game again, but in my browser, to load it?
So i just finished season 1 and i'm hallfway throught season 2 and was reading the comments and find out that Zillah runs away if Roe is a virgin during some segs scene so if anyone can explain to me why and when he does that and also can i still romance him even if my Roe is virgin or not please i'm totally in the dark i want his romance so bad
im so sorry this is late but i'll still explain, so basically bc zillah 'doesnt actually like roe' and just 'wants to fuck them' it would be fine to just screw them once or whatv yk, bc it'll 'just be sex' but ( if ) since roe IS a virgin and they didnt screw anyone before, zillah felt like he couldnt be the one to take their virginity and he hates that it bothers him, he DOES care about roe to some degree bc if he didnt he STILL would screw roe even if they were virgin
i actually got to that scene a month ago and i'm now in superstition 3 but thank you so much for taking the time to reply i also agree with the fact that zillah cares a little about roe i hope my bond with zillah keeps on growing in the following seasons it's that scene that made me want to romance him and get to know him more also cuz i'm fed up with trying to romance chris and rahim at this point lol
DAWG SAME THEYRE RAISING MY BLOOD PRESSURE SM i really love chris but he's so dumb, rahim also is ugh so zillah's refreshing ALOT also im gonna romance syd after i finish my exams wish me luck <3
i also think about romancing the girls and boys this time also hope that syd won't be as much of a dik as her brother is lol i know she will but still she seems like she knows how to spice up the relationship and more importantly she really do care about roe and it's so fcking sweet also i wish you the biggest luck with your exams hope u get the marks u want i also have a big exam coming up and i'm so depressed but u really made my day u seem like a nice person hope we can be friends if u want ofc
epicly late but it shows up during the scene where Roe is caught up in their fears during the hell sequence. it happens at the same time where individual ro's have their scene if you're just romancing one and not the three boys
I have finished the 2nd and 3rd seasons many months ago (still waiting for season4 :( ) but it's okay im very happy you answered my question thank you :)
An error when selecting the "Use the power of friendship!" option when confronting Syd. There's no button I can click to proceed. If it helps, this is during a low nerve MC run. And I think I had 30 relationship points with Syd in book 1.
Hi there, i know this was 2 months ago, but for anyone else with the same issue, it's because you are using it in the Itch app, you need to play it in the browser for the save system to work. Just found that out myself, luckily I'm not too far in.
Just have a bug to report: After importing my game from S1 my genitals have changed from a penis to a vagina and my pronouns have changes from he/him to she/her. After fixing this in the pregame menu my pronouns are saved but my genital selection always reverts back to having a vagina.
So, the game is freaking awesome right? And I’m playing as a virgin gay boy. Someone tell me why Zillah was so eager to take my virginity at first but when he finds out I’m actually a virgin he runs.
Loving the game so far, although there's part in chapter 10 during Rahim's route that I don't quite understand. It's this part: https://imgur.com/a/wCMn07c
When does this supposed conversation take place. At first I thought they were possibly talking about that one part during the Dreamscape scene back in episode 6, but it's talking about some scene that takes place in Hell/the Underworld. Am I missing a scene or something?
I can't import my save from S1 because of "blob" and I don't know if it is corrupted or it just won't work for me. Could anyone help with this problem? The error message says this
Error: Argument 1 ('blob') to FileReader.readAsText must be an instance of Blob.
had the same issue (neither the app itself or the safari browser version worked and just gave me the "blob"-thing), but using a new browser (chrome, in my case) and importing the data from season 1 worked fine; the saves from that game could be loaded into the old browser/app as well, so maybe try that? :)
Also is the power of friendship route when meeting syd in the castle unfinished because no next page button appears (yup it was broken the options are there in the html file but cant access them)
But I think I screwed up Chris' romance? I won't mention any spoilers but it's down to zero. I've read comments about a guide, but I can't see any links to a guide. Can someone please help me?
The whole Unstable 5 has me a bit confused though. Somehow Roe always ends up friendly to Amari, treats Rahim like thinks he is a friend, and cares way to much for Bradley despite every choice tried to make leading up otherwise. Also The 'stare at Hut' option when meet the witch references chris when Chris isn;t in the group(dead). Is this intentional, an error, or something I am doing wrong? Could it be an issue with saves since I've played through a few times? In fact keep getting lines that sound like romance lines with Rahim in previous chapter as well as that one when there hasn;t been any flirting with him last two playthroughs.
Not sure if this is a bug or not..... and might mention spoilers....
Uh, but in episode two, where you're talking to Chris, Rahim and Bradley.... the MC says that they forgot to tell Chris what Rahim did..... but I opted out of messing with Bradley's memories. (Chris was saying that Bradley was in a good mood and that's when the MC brought it up). Not sure if anyone else had mentioned that to you or not though.
Edit: And I noticed down in the comments someone else mentioned it, but someone else said that it was only for that scene. So might be a coding issue on just that one scene.
Either way, I really enjoy this series. Finished the first season just a bit ago and hoping to finish season two today. :)
Wow. This game is genuinely a treasure. I am grateful to have stumbled upon it by chance and I dread to think of a reality where I did not click on it! Of course, I am grateful to the writer even more so for making this wonderful work.
I didn't expect to enjoy this game so much when I first started. I'm not normally drawn to supernatural plots and I prefer my romance front and center, whereas it seemed quite slow-burn throughout Season 1 (perhaps this is due to Chris's route in particular). However, the quality and amount of writing really impressed me enough to keep going. I'm sure the professional-looking UI also did its part to reel me in.
One of the most delightful parts of the game is the customization and flexibility. I love choices, and lots of them. They are one of the most important parts of interactive fiction for me. This game includes a shocking amount of choice. I felt as if I was getting a choice every other page, maybe. When given this much choice, a player really begins to feel like they are involved in and changing the story, which is a wonderful feeling. The customizable appearance, gender, romance and background options are great. I also enjoyed the little stats menu to the right, it makes me happy to see how my choices shape the character.
While Season 1 impressed me, Season 2 had me enamored. The characters were all likeable to the point that I cared deeply about cultivating my relationships in this game. I wanted to be friends with and side with everyone, while also trying to do the right thing or what I thought was safest. The story did a good job of making that hard at times. I felt like the stakes really picked up and some scenarios actually left me sweating about my choices and feeling guilty even after I put the game down. That sort of lingering emotion induced by a game is priceless, I think. It was hard, by the way, to put the game down. I was perpetually on the edge of my seat, always wondering what was coming next.
The romance is blooming in Season 2, which I appreciate greatly. I've only experienced Chris and Zillah's romantic routes, so I can only speak on those. The scenes are touching and sweet (or spicy) when they need to be, but not without complexity or drama to keep things fresh and interesting. Zillah is absolutely magnetic and hands down my favorite, I can't wait to see how Roe and his relationship develops further. Also, Zillah and Chris bickering is hilarious and thrilling.
Overall, such a fantastic experience. I'm highly anticipating Season 3. I know that the writer will make it worth it, though I feel like they've already spoiled me with how good the game is already. I wish them the best of luck with their work and all the happiness!
After getting drunk in the club, the next day we're going to Leona house and talking about hybrids and maps and nothing was explained to my MC, I remember a little from playing this game like a year ago, but there's no context in what I'm reading and I'm kind of confused.
I KNOW WHYYY it happened to me too, its basically bc while u were originally going for chris, you probably flirted w someone else and now youre not on chris' route anymore,, when youre fully on chris' route, something very special happens in the dream
i figured it out i think unless its a bug, but in the club, you actually have to go over to chris, and the break seems to work then. If you don't, and delay it until the next day when chris puts you on break himself, it wont work, and the dreamscape remains as friends only. This worked for me anyway.
So uh, anyone else dealing with the bug when importing a save and picking genitals and chest it keeps defaulting to vagina and having breasts? Pretty annoying.
Edit: So apparently, the deal with that is so long as you don't go back it should stay as whatever you left it off as. So Im gonna go through the game hopefully my flat chested dude doesn't start breasting breastily at any point.
Hi! Just a bug note, so when Rahim asks you if you want to put a memory block on Bradley. regardless of what option you chose the story progresses as if you had put up a memory block on Bradley. I also just wanted to thank you for making such an amazing series!!
If you mean the scene where Chris mentions how he looks better than usual and Roe interrupts him, it's just that scene, later parts function normally as if Brad didn't have the block, at least for me
maybe bc you were romancing someone else too? bc when i kinda hit on rahim i still wanted to end up w chris but chris' romantic route was closed ig and in the dream they talked like friends,, and when i neglected rahim ( AS I SHLOUD ) chris talked abt the break and feelings and stuff in the dream
sooo yeah, i went on creating my mc all over again bc i just want to, but when i was about to change my mc's gender, an error occured, saying: Error: the passage "Gender, Pronouns, and Sex" does not exist.
Someone else pointed out the Chris being on break thing when there was no romance invested but also for Rahim when he appears in the exorcism scene shows a couple errors on the screen which makes me think I am missing some text? But otherwise functions normally, it also doesn't calculate his romance points unless you select the answer regarding Lucia in the dream sequence scene. I will note that that was also the only answers in which the icon for romance options appeared beside the text, it otherwise does not show with the other answers even though it is the same lines of dialog.
Just have a bug to report: After importing my game from S1 my genitals have changed from a penis to a vagina and my pronouns have changes from he/him to she/her. After fixing this in the pregame menu my pronouns are saved but my genital selection always reverts back to having a vagina.
I was romancing Zillah and when I got to the dream walking part Chris was acting as if we were on a break:)) I avoided all his romance options in both seasons so it was weird but funny.
Is Blade/Guns and Supernatural not a stat in the 3.0 version anymore? It doesn't show on the side for me and working on reading the book doesn't increase anything.
Oh I saw the first one was updated a while ago but I saw the comment here so I thought the author updated this one as well:)) Anyway thank you for clarifying it for me.
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2 questions. 1) Is it possible to avoid getting the curse while in Hell? 2) Which male RO's have explicit scenes in this season?
possible but hard since fears match you with the curse, easiest way to not get one is to get the incompetence fear and make sure to go find sydero first in hell so you don't get pride's curse.
only zillah has a explicit scene and its in the last episode
You're welcome!
No, not with the rudeness. No, I don't think I will. Have a nice day though.
idk what they said but they can fuck off!! please prioritize ur wellness, some of us really care about you, and want you to get better, take care i love u<3
How do i export my save in Android? I played season 1 in joyplay, but the save doesn't go to season 2, it appears to be corrupted. Will i need to play the whole game again, but in my browser, to load it?
hey! did you find it if you can export saves from joiplay?
unfortunately not. Sorry.
So i just finished season 1 and i'm hallfway throught season 2 and was reading the comments and find out that Zillah runs away if Roe is a virgin during some segs scene so if anyone can explain to me why and when he does that and also can i still romance him even if my Roe is virgin or not please i'm totally in the dark i want his romance so bad
im so sorry this is late but i'll still explain, so basically bc zillah 'doesnt actually like roe' and just 'wants to fuck them' it would be fine to just screw them once or whatv yk, bc it'll 'just be sex' but ( if ) since roe IS a virgin and they didnt screw anyone before, zillah felt like he couldnt be the one to take their virginity and he hates that it bothers him, he DOES care about roe to some degree bc if he didnt he STILL would screw roe even if they were virgin
i actually got to that scene a month ago and i'm now in superstition 3 but thank you so much for taking the time to reply i also agree with the fact that zillah cares a little about roe i hope my bond with zillah keeps on growing in the following seasons it's that scene that made me want to romance him and get to know him more also cuz i'm fed up with trying to romance chris and rahim at this point lol
DAWG SAME THEYRE RAISING MY BLOOD PRESSURE SM i really love chris but he's so dumb, rahim also is ugh so zillah's refreshing ALOT also im gonna romance syd after i finish my exams wish me luck <3
i also think about romancing the girls and boys this time also hope that syd won't be as much of a dik as her brother is lol i know she will but still she seems like she knows how to spice up the relationship and more importantly she really do care about roe and it's so fcking sweet also i wish you the biggest luck with your exams hope u get the marks u want i also have a big exam coming up and i'm so depressed but u really made my day u seem like a nice person hope we can be friends if u want ofc
yes syd is SO SWEET she obv does care abt roe its so cute AND OMG YEAH GIVE ME UR USERNAME ON WHERV
This game is absolutely amazing omg
I romanticized three guys and there is a scene which acknowledges it OMG I loved that scene.How could I resist though lol
ooh when does that happen
epicly late but it shows up during the scene where Roe is caught up in their fears during the hell sequence. it happens at the same time where individual ro's have their scene if you're just romancing one and not the three boys
I have finished the 2nd and 3rd seasons many months ago (still waiting for season4 :( ) but it's okay im very happy you answered my question thank you :)
its no problem! also just so you know, season 3 is still in development so the current build isn't final
Oh really?? Well thanks for informing me :) Have a good day(or night) !!
An error when selecting the "Use the power of friendship!" option when confronting Syd. There's no button I can click to proceed. If it helps, this is during a low nerve MC run. And I think I had 30 relationship points with Syd in book 1.
Hi there, i know this was 2 months ago, but for anyone else with the same issue, it's because you are using it in the Itch app, you need to play it in the browser for the save system to work. Just found that out myself, luckily I'm not too far in.
What happens to Chris if you don't cure him of the Bladenboro Beast curse in Episode 4? Is he gone forever? Or does he come back?
Just have a bug to report: After importing my game from S1 my genitals have changed from a penis to a vagina and my pronouns have changes from he/him to she/her. After fixing this in the pregame menu my pronouns are saved but my genital selection always reverts back to having a vagina.
So, the game is freaking awesome right? And I’m playing as a virgin gay boy. Someone tell me why Zillah was so eager to take my virginity at first but when he finds out I’m actually a virgin he runs.
Boy Zillah just wants to use you (Roe) so he gets guilty and then doesn't take your virginity (true, my Roe is a virgin too) didn't you see he's pov?
Not yet. Didn’t make it that far. Restarted to get smexy time lmao
Spoilers below.
Loving the game so far, although there's part in chapter 10 during Rahim's route that I don't quite understand. It's this part: https://imgur.com/a/wCMn07c
When does this supposed conversation take place. At first I thought they were possibly talking about that one part during the Dreamscape scene back in episode 6, but it's talking about some scene that takes place in Hell/the Underworld. Am I missing a scene or something?
I can't import my save from S1 because of "blob" and I don't know if it is corrupted or it just won't work for me. Could anyone help with this problem? The error message says this
Error: Argument 1 ('blob') to FileReader.readAsText must be an instance of Blob.
had the same issue (neither the app itself or the safari browser version worked and just gave me the "blob"-thing), but using a new browser (chrome, in my case) and importing the data from season 1 worked fine; the saves from that game could be loaded into the old browser/app as well, so maybe try that? :)
Unfortunately it didn’t work on Chrome neither but I thank you for the help you have given me
aw okay that sucks, i hope it works out somehow eventually
Also is the power of friendship route when meeting syd in the castle unfinished because no next page button appears (yup it was broken the options are there in the html file but cant access them)
IDK why but when I imported my save Sydero says im a fun roll in the sheets but I never slept with her?
I love this so far :sob:
But I think I screwed up Chris' romance? I won't mention any spoilers but it's down to zero. I've read comments about a guide, but I can't see any links to a guide. Can someone please help me?
I'm not the creator, but the guide page is here : https://www.worldanvil.com/w/book-of-the-damned-13leagues
You can read for overall plot guide or each romance option guide.
Thanks so much! Ugh I just realized reading through it that I selected ONE choice that ended the romance :( and I've already finished S2 lol. Ughhhh
i cant change the pronouns from she/her. before starting the story or while reading, it just stays she/her after confirming
Really Been enjoying these series.
The whole Unstable 5 has me a bit confused though. Somehow Roe always ends up friendly to Amari, treats Rahim like thinks he is a friend, and cares way to much for Bradley despite every choice tried to make leading up otherwise. Also The 'stare at Hut' option when meet the witch references chris when Chris isn;t in the group(dead). Is this intentional, an error, or something I am doing wrong? Could it be an issue with saves since I've played through a few times? In fact keep getting lines that sound like romance lines with Rahim in previous chapter as well as that one when there hasn;t been any flirting with him last two playthroughs.
Not sure if this is a bug or not..... and might mention spoilers....
Uh, but in episode two, where you're talking to Chris, Rahim and Bradley.... the MC says that they forgot to tell Chris what Rahim did..... but I opted out of messing with Bradley's memories. (Chris was saying that Bradley was in a good mood and that's when the MC brought it up). Not sure if anyone else had mentioned that to you or not though.
Edit: And I noticed down in the comments someone else mentioned it, but someone else said that it was only for that scene. So might be a coding issue on just that one scene.
Either way, I really enjoy this series. Finished the first season just a bit ago and hoping to finish season two today. :)
Review, may contain spoilers
Wow. This game is genuinely a treasure. I am grateful to have stumbled upon it by chance and I dread to think of a reality where I did not click on it! Of course, I am grateful to the writer even more so for making this wonderful work.
I didn't expect to enjoy this game so much when I first started. I'm not normally drawn to supernatural plots and I prefer my romance front and center, whereas it seemed quite slow-burn throughout Season 1 (perhaps this is due to Chris's route in particular). However, the quality and amount of writing really impressed me enough to keep going. I'm sure the professional-looking UI also did its part to reel me in.
One of the most delightful parts of the game is the customization and flexibility. I love choices, and lots of them. They are one of the most important parts of interactive fiction for me. This game includes a shocking amount of choice. I felt as if I was getting a choice every other page, maybe. When given this much choice, a player really begins to feel like they are involved in and changing the story, which is a wonderful feeling. The customizable appearance, gender, romance and background options are great. I also enjoyed the little stats menu to the right, it makes me happy to see how my choices shape the character.
While Season 1 impressed me, Season 2 had me enamored. The characters were all likeable to the point that I cared deeply about cultivating my relationships in this game. I wanted to be friends with and side with everyone, while also trying to do the right thing or what I thought was safest. The story did a good job of making that hard at times. I felt like the stakes really picked up and some scenarios actually left me sweating about my choices and feeling guilty even after I put the game down. That sort of lingering emotion induced by a game is priceless, I think. It was hard, by the way, to put the game down. I was perpetually on the edge of my seat, always wondering what was coming next.
The romance is blooming in Season 2, which I appreciate greatly. I've only experienced Chris and Zillah's romantic routes, so I can only speak on those. The scenes are touching and sweet (or spicy) when they need to be, but not without complexity or drama to keep things fresh and interesting. Zillah is absolutely magnetic and hands down my favorite, I can't wait to see how Roe and his relationship develops further. Also, Zillah and Chris bickering is hilarious and thrilling.
Overall, such a fantastic experience. I'm highly anticipating Season 3. I know that the writer will make it worth it, though I feel like they've already spoiled me with how good the game is already. I wish them the best of luck with their work and all the happiness!
Found an error when choosing the option "I know me too" in the conversation with Bradley before heading to the club.
Me too. And my Roe it's an artist XD nothing with psychology. Roe can only have been a depressive bitch if have made psychology? :(
He's so unstable.
this is the bug i get when playing with an imported save from s1. Error: <<include>>: passage "Gender Info male" does not exist
After getting drunk in the club, the next day we're going to Leona house and talking about hybrids and maps and nothing was explained to my MC, I remember a little from playing this game like a year ago, but there's no context in what I'm reading and I'm kind of confused.
i literally have the game memorized at this point, what area can i recall for u?
I'm not sure if it's been resolved yet, but chris still acts like a friend in the dreamscape despite being on a break.
I KNOW WHYYY it happened to me too, its basically bc while u were originally going for chris, you probably flirted w someone else and now youre not on chris' route anymore,, when youre fully on chris' route, something very special happens in the dream
i figured it out i think unless its a bug, but in the club, you actually have to go over to chris, and the break seems to work then. If you don't, and delay it until the next day when chris puts you on break himself, it wont work, and the dreamscape remains as friends only. This worked for me anyway.
This was freaking amazing... Also who had a problem of changing the gender to male but it didn't reflect in the story.
So uh, anyone else dealing with the bug when importing a save and picking genitals and chest it keeps defaulting to vagina and having breasts? Pretty annoying.
Edit: So apparently, the deal with that is so long as you don't go back it should stay as whatever you left it off as. So Im gonna go through the game hopefully my flat chested dude doesn't start breasting breastily at any point.
i will literally gobble tf outta u azrael u make me so mad
got a bug on (SPOILER!!!)
the ch5 act 3 chris pov after the failed ritual where my he/him roe was referred to with she/her on the whole page!
Uhm- I found a error
(Minor Spoiler)
Hi! Just a bug note, so when Rahim asks you if you want to put a memory block on Bradley. regardless of what option you chose the story progresses as if you had put up a memory block on Bradley. I also just wanted to thank you for making such an amazing series!!
If you mean the scene where Chris mentions how he looks better than usual and Roe interrupts him, it's just that scene, later parts function normally as if Brad didn't have the block, at least for me
Oh really? Thank you so much I didn't realize that! I kinda just took a break to wait until it was fixed but nm lmao
maybe bc you were romancing someone else too? bc when i kinda hit on rahim i still wanted to end up w chris but chris' romantic route was closed ig and in the dream they talked like friends,, and when i neglected rahim ( AS I SHLOUD ) chris talked abt the break and feelings and stuff in the dream
sooo yeah, i went on creating my mc all over again bc i just want to, but when i was about to change my mc's gender, an error occured, saying: Error: the passage "Gender, Pronouns, and Sex" does not exist.
Someone else pointed out the Chris being on break thing when there was no romance invested but also for Rahim when he appears in the exorcism scene shows a couple errors on the screen which makes me think I am missing some text? But otherwise functions normally, it also doesn't calculate his romance points unless you select the answer regarding Lucia in the dream sequence scene. I will note that that was also the only answers in which the icon for romance options appeared beside the text, it otherwise does not show with the other answers even though it is the same lines of dialog.
Just have a bug to report: After importing my game from S1 my genitals have changed from a penis to a vagina and my pronouns have changes from he/him to she/her. After fixing this in the pregame menu my pronouns are saved but my genital selection always reverts back to having a vagina.
It doesn’t. In a later explicit scene it references that my MC has a vagina instead of a penis.
I was romancing Zillah and when I got to the dream walking part Chris was acting as if we were on a break:)) I avoided all his romance options in both seasons so it was weird but funny.
Got it. It'll be fixed in the next update. Thanks.
Is Blade/Guns and Supernatural not a stat in the 3.0 version anymore? It doesn't show on the side for me and working on reading the book doesn't increase anything.
For those reading in the future, it was fixed in the same day.
I just can’t choose between Sydero, Rahim and Zillah 😭
Chose Zillah! 😏
Whooooo an updated version! Mmmm love it <3
But… cant move past drinking game with Rahim.. help!

S1 is updated, S2 is not. Yet. It's currently being worked on.
Oh I saw the first one was updated a while ago but I saw the comment here so I thought the author updated this one as well:)) Anyway thank you for clarifying it for me.